Welcome to Selkkie Designs, a place where you can find custom book cover services,
premade covers and marketing materials for your stories.
Take a loook around and let's bring your stories to life!

Reading these terms and submitting a request is a legal contract between Selkkie Designs and the client. The information entered by the client is a legally binding signature of everything contained within this agreement.
After officially booking a date for a project, Selkkie Designs will provide the client with a form containing all the information the artist needs for the design process. After reviewing the completed form, the client and Selkkie Designs will discuss the concept and art style of the book cover based on genre, target audience appropriate styles and trends. The client will receive a first draft from the artist on the scheduled date.
Based on the feedback provided by the client, Selkkie Designs will make additional updates and refine the draft until it becomes the final design. Selkkie Designs will not proceed with changes, acquisitions of new stock, or other resources without first obtaining the client's approval.
Unless the client requests an excessive number of revisions or asks the artist to restart the design when the project is halfway through or nearly complete, the final payment for the project will not exceed the price ranges stated on the Services page. If the client requests an excessive number of revisions or a new concept, Selkkie Designs will not proceed with any changes or new drafts without informing the client of the additional costs for those changes.
The use of AI-generated images is harmful to other fellow artists, as it is categorized as art theft, and to clients, as readers may refuse to read or purchase their stories. Additionally, Amazon and other publishers do not support the use of AI-generated content and reserve the right to remove the client's books from their platforms.
Selkkie Designs does not use or endorse the use of AI-generated images in her work. Selkkie Designs uses legitimate, licensed stock materials and hand-drawn elements to create her book covers. All materials used in Selkkie Designs' work are properly licensed, ensuring that clients can confidently prove their covers
contain no AI-generated elements.
Clients will proceed with payment after their project is complete. The price ranges for each type of project are stated on the Services page. The final price includes: the complexity of the design, hours of work, acquisition of stock photos or other necessary resources like fonts or 3d rendered elements, add-ons, and extra revisions.
If necessary, Selkkie Designs may request that the client provide a portion of the payment upfront. This upfront payment will cover the cost of acquiring licenses for the resources required to create the design. The amount paid upfront will be deducted from the final price. Alternatively, clients may provide resources themselves, but only if those resources are properly licensed.
Cancellations made by the client before Selkkie Designs begins work on the project are free of charge.
Cancellations made by the client after Selkkie Designs has started work on the project will be charged based on the hours of work already completed by the designer and the cost of any resources already purchased (if that is the case). If the client provided an upfront payment for acquiring necessary resources, they will only receive a refund of that payment if the resources have not yet been acquired. However, if the resources have been purchased with the client’s prior approval, the client is not entitled to a refund.
If the client requests a premade cover, in the case of cancellation, the premade cover will be restored to its original state and made available for resale.
In case of postponement after the artist stared designing the book cover, the files will be placed on hold, and the project will resume on the date agreed upon by the client and the designer, after the client pays 50%. The other 50% will be payed when the project is complete. This also also applies to premade book covers.
There are no refunds for premade book covers. Once purchased, each premade cover is considered exclusive to the client. If the premade cover does not meet the client’s requirements, the client may contact Selkkie Designs to discuss the possibility of relocating the cover or making additional modifications. If the client and Selkkie Designs reach an agreement to relocate the cover, it will only be resold for the same price the original client paid for it. The relocation process will be handled by the original client.
Upon agreement of the first initial draft, which includes main images, concepts of backgrounds, editing services, and overall design, the client can ask at any time for revisions.
Revisions are complicated changes that might alter the overall look of the original design, changes that require more time to be completed and reintegrated in the overall design. Such revisions include: change of elements or objects' position; replacement of elements or objects; adding more objects or elements; changes of background; changes of color or texts, etc. These revisions are included in the price range stated on the Services page. If the client needs these sort of revisions AFTER the cover is complete and the client gave their final ok, the revisions will be charged with 30 extra USD each.
Any requests which do not meet industry standards, genre-appropriate design, or any offensive or explicit ideas which violate terms of service will not be allowed. If the client needs a revision that has not been named above, please contact Selkkie Designs via email, the designer will get back with an answer within 48 hours.
Client agrees in all forms to add the following to formats in any form of ebook, print copy, audiobook, or future forms of creative content to acknowledge Selkkie Designs of their work:
Physical Copies: Cover Design by Selkkie Designs – www.selkkiedesigns.com
Digital Copies: Cover Design by Selkkie Designs – www.selkkiedesigns.com
Selkkie Designs would greatly appreciate receiving a copy of the physical book featuring their cover,
though this is not required.
All rights and permissions are obtained and held by the client regarding trademarks, licenses, and distribution of the materials. Client agrees to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend Selkkie Designs from any and all copyright and permission infringement action resulting from materials the client provides. Exclusive rights to the works done and needed are given to the client after full payment is processed and received by Selkkie Designs. Client is not allowed to alter, share or edit the files provided without Selkkie Designs' permission.
All images licensed by a third-party are for materials of UP TO 500,000 copies in digital or print – for an extended license, please check beforehand if needed and an additional fee will apply for an extended and/or enhanced license. Selkkie Designs retains the right to use the client’s final book cover design, name, and book title (or any other design that is not a book cover) in Selkkie Designs' portfolio and to market and promote her services.
Selkkie Designs retains copyright and ownership of all editable designs and draft materials. Modification of any kind (removing or adding text, change of colors, change of dimensions, etc.) of the designs is NOT allowed by third parties. Any needed modification or revision of the original design will be made only by Selkkie Designs or by someone else with Selkkie Designs' written permission.
Client must legally own any provided images or have rights to them and takes full responsibility for any actions or claims against images. No responsibility or action is provided by Selkkie Designs.
Selkkie Designs does not use generative ai images for creating book covers or any other digital materials. All resources used by Selkkie Designs are legitame stocks.
All client information is confidential and only to be utilized by Selkkie Designs to complete the designs required. These are classified information that will not be given out or shared with any third party. The final design can be shared in the artist's portfolio only after the client has revealed the design, or has given Selkkie Designs written permission to reveal it or in 2 years after the design is made if the client didn't state otherwise
when contacted by the designer.
Selkkie Designs will not be held liable when artwork is deemed similar to other artworks merely based
on general cover trends, themes, and genres.
Client must test and try proofing of printing. Designs will be adjusted if needed based on proof copies.
At no time will Selkkie Designs be held financially or legally responsible for any problems, costs, fees, or expenses incurred by the client as a result of using the book cover design. Selkkie Designs is not liable for incidental, indirect, consequential, special, punitive, or exemplary damages of any kind, including loss of revenues or profits, loss of business or reputation, or loss of data, in any way related to her services. Selkkie Designs is not responsible for any claim, loss, or injury based on errors or any other inaccuracies appearing on our site or in our clients’ written documents, including without limitation as a result of any breach of the terms and conditions of this agreement.
This agreement is the entire agreement of all parties.
No additional promises or conditions, written or oral, apply to this agreement that are not included herein.
All images presented on this website have been created with paid resources. The final products of those creations belong to Selkkie Designs. Any sort of alteration of Selkkie Designs images (cropping, removing text, changes of color, adding of filters or overlay, etc.) are not allowed. Redistribution of Selkkie Designs works is NOT allowed without giving rightful credit (website, social media, etc.) and without Selkkie Designs' written permission.
Do not claim any of the images presented on this website as your own. Do not upload any of Selkkie Designs' images in any generative ai platforms, such as Midjourney, Firefly or any other. They are the property of Selkkie Designs and any unlawful claim will represent theft and will be treated as such.
By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions, you also acknowledge and expressly agree that this agreement will be governed by the laws of Romania. The Courts of Romania shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all disputes between the parties. In case of a conflict or a dispute, both parties agree to try to resolve the dispute amicably, and only in case of failure will they refer it to the competent courts.
The finding of any provision of this agreement to be invalid or unenforceable does not render the remaining provisions invalid or unenforceable.
Copyright © 2024 Selkkie Designs
Selkkie Designs | Digital Artist | Book Cover Artist | Graphic Designer